In the spirit of Sustainability and Collaboration, we - The BrightBuilt Team - dedicate ourselves:-To immediately share all concepts, details and systems of the first BrightBuilt project (BB001) with all interested others
-To try to evoke critical thought and invite feedback, with the aim of improving these systems
-To work with builders to offer this first BrightBuilt model, as well as any subsequent prototypes, to others at a reasonable cost and with a greatly reduced construction timeline
-To encourage others to build and test their own BrightBuilt projects as examples of livability, sustainability and attainability
-To create a central online space for learning and interaction among like-minded parties
-To maintain ongoing transparency of operational performance, with the live and historical energy performance of all BrightBuilts continuously visible to all
These are ambitious goals. We look for the collaboration and input of others in the global community. If you are interested in taking part in this grand, and potentially transformative experiment, please sign up at to be kept in the loop, or simply start commenting below...